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Paytm CEO Expresses Concern, Superintelligent AI and the Fate of Humanity

Paytm CEO Raises Alarm on Superintelligent AI, Protecting Humanity's Future

10 July 2023


Kunal Tyagi

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  • Superintelligent AI surpassing human intelligence raises concerns about its potential threat to humanity.

  • Paytm CEO, Vijay Shekhar, expressed worries about the power amassed by certain individuals and countries in relation to superintelligent AI systems.

  • OpenAI has formed a new team dedicated to monitoring and ensuring the safety of AI systems, acknowledging the risks associated with superintelligence, and committing resources to align AI with human values.

The concept of superintelligent Artificial Intelligence (AI) surpassing human intelligence and potentially posing a threat to humanity has long been explored in science fiction movies. However, recent warnings from tech experts suggest that this scenario might become a reality sooner than anticipated. Paytm CEO, Vijay Shekhar, joined the chorus of concern when he expressed his worries about the power amassed by certain individuals and countries in relation to superintelligent AI systems. OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, acknowledges the potential dangers and has taken steps to address them. In this blog post, we will delve into the concerns surrounding superintelligent AI and the efforts being made to ensure its safe development.

The Concerns Raised:

Vijay Shekhar Sharma's tweet echoed the apprehension shared by many, as he voiced his genuine concern over the power accumulated by specific individuals and countries in light of OpenAI's statement. The company admitted to lacking a solution for controlling or steering potentially rogue superintelligent AI systems. This admission raises significant concerns about the future impact of AI on humanity. Geoffrey Hinton, known as the Godfather of AI, has also emphasized the need to seriously consider the consequences of creating machines that surpass human intelligence.

OpenAI's Response:

In response to the concerns surrounding superintelligent AI, OpenAI announced the formation of a new team dedicated to monitoring and ensuring the safety of AI systems. The company acknowledges the immense power that superintelligence holds and the potential risks it poses to humanity. OpenAI plans to allocate a substantial amount of its computing power and resources to solve the problem of aligning AI with human values. This commitment is an important step in mitigating the risks associated with superintelligent AI.

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The Potential Impact:

OpenAI's blog post highlighted the significance of superintelligence as a groundbreaking technology that could help solve major global challenges. However, the authors also caution that the vast power of superintelligence could have dangerous consequences, potentially leading to the disempowerment or even extinction of humanity. While the arrival of superintelligent AI may seem distant, OpenAI predicts it could become a reality within this decade, necessitating immediate attention and research.

The Quest for Alignment Research:

OpenAI emphasizes the need for breakthroughs in "alignment research" to ensure that AI systems remain beneficial to humanity. This research focuses on developing techniques to control and guide superintelligent AI. OpenAI aims to train AI systems using human feedback, assist human evaluation through AI, and ultimately train AI systems to conduct alignment research themselves. These efforts will contribute to the development of a comprehensive solution to steer superintelligent AI in a direction that aligns with human values.

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